Electron (spread out) -Lightning Conductor: One person gets an AoE on them and must step out of range of the raid.
-Electrical Discharge: Chain Lightning to all targets 8 yards of the player.
-Unstable Shield: Do not hit. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toxitron -Poison Soaked Shell: Watch attacks and stacks when hitting Toxitron.
-Poison Protocol: Kill oozes as soon as possible, run away if you get fixate, use slows and stuns to hinder the oozes.
-Poison Cloud: All targets inside of the cloud take 50% more damage, inclusing the bosses, so tank them inside the cloud. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Magmatron -Acquiring Target: Flamethrower, target effected by this needs to face away from the raid and stand still.
-Barrier: Do not hit. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arcanotron -Power Generator: Dark cloud on the ground, raid in it, bosses out.